My Child and I

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Keeping baby's big Afro

My cute Little One with his adorable Fro
All babies, including black babies are born with very soft and easy to manage hair but after a few days or weeks, some black babies' hair toughen up and become difficult to comb.
Mine was no exception. He was born with a head full of hair but after only about a month, combing it became a thug of war. 

I tried the popular Ori (Shea butter) but it didn't work, I combed it while it was still wet, but even that did not work. He will cry and swing his head once he sees me with his comb, so I began considering leaving it to turn into dreads. 

Just when we were deliberating, I stumbled across this wonderful product, No More Tangles by Johnson & Johnson. 

With little faith, I bought and tried it and I must say that it actually works! 

I used it on his fro last night and his hair became so easy to comb, it was amazing. In short, for the first time in months, he didn't cry when I combed his hair, the comb simply ran through his hair like hot knife through butter. 

Parents, please share, how do you manage your babies's hair? 


  1. Glad my baby's hair is still manageable, tho i see the need for this product coming soon.

    1. my baby's hair is beginning to tangle, thinking I might just go ahead and trim it.

  2. I wouldn't mind trying it out not easy combing my baby's hair and achieving the kind of Hair I want. Hope it wont pull his hair.

    1. @Anon, I can guarantee you that this product works like magic. My baby's afro is very big now and with this product, I don't have any issues combing it. Unfortunately, this product is not available in Nigeria. You will either have to order it from the UK, US or look for another product there that could work the same wonders.

  3. Lovely blog you have here..Keep it up
