My Child and I

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dear Yimiton, My Wife and a one night fling are pregnant and will be due almost at the same time. What do I do?

I know I've always been silly, but seriously, this is the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life and I'm so confused, I don't even know who to turn to. 

Ever since I was in secondary school, I've been known to be a lover of many women. I used to be very proud of my achievements but when I got married and couldn't stop it, I started wondering if there wasn't something wrong with me. I just can't get satisfied with sleeping with one woman at a time. 

After my wedding in 2011,  I actually made up my mind to stay away from other women but it never went down the way I planned. Whenever I traveled, I'd see easy women, who I always boasted fell for my charms and I will quickly have a fling with them. 

In Dec last year, I went to Port-Harcourt for an official meeting. The receptionist at the hotel that I stayed at was very attractive and she seemed to be into me. Before long, I gave her my card and we met up later in the evening. We went clubbing and I took her to my hotel room to finish up what we started after all the steaming dance at the club. 

The sex was really good and I decided I'll call her again whenever I'm in Port-Harcourt but somehow, I sort of forgot about her until she called me last week and told me she's 7 months pregnant for me.  Meanwhile, my wife is due to have our first child at the end of this month! 

In-short, 'confused' does not even start to describe how I feel. I'm afraid to talk to my wife and this other woman said she's very sure I'm the father of her child. She said she didn't have a boyfriend at the time and hadn't slept with other men.

Please I don't need people judging me here. I need candid advise on how to handle this. I don't want to loose or hurt my wife and my friends are saying I should just ignore the other girl that she might be lying but what if she's saying the truth? I feel so messed up.


  1. go to port harcourt to see the girl, if she's pregnant, be there for her..make her comfortable but dont plan marraige with her .after she has the baby do a dna test-when you get the result of the dna test, you'll have to tell your wife/family the truth... if the baby isnt yours....good for you...

    by the way...

    married men who cheat should invest in condoms

  2. Bros, i can bet you are not the father of that child. Dont be a chiken heart to fall for that trap or you are doomed. Dont hurt your wife for any one night stand. It was all planned out thats why she stole your number. Why wait till its seven months before telling you. if she is pregnant, she can go ahead and deliver the baby its not your problem.

  3. I'm not judging you but I think nemesis has caught up with you. You can't have your cake and eat it. Like the first commentator said, why on earth didn't you get condoms? What if you'd taken STIs to your wife?

    Anyway, after all said and done, you need to find out first if the girl is even really pregnant and if she is, she must take a DNA test to prove you're the father because as far as I'm concerned, if she can sleep with you when you were total strangers, then, she could have slept with one hundred other men. After that, if you're the father, it's to let your wife know before she hears outside and you must be humble and beg her to forgive you.

  4. Such a young family already with children from 2 different women. After 10 years of marriage, how many children will you have outside?

  5. Congratulations young man, this one na real double celebration, since u made up ur mind to play away march and common sense did not tell u to use a condom, this is what it will result to. person wey write exam must receive im result, as for me, I will only tell u to carry your cross.

    1. Lol. True. Play the music and dance to the tune

  6. Some men can be real dogs...Helynn
