My Child and I

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pictures of Family members, Political and Royal dignitaries at Margaret Thatcher's Funeral

 Queen of England
Amanda Thatcher, 19, Baroness Thatcher's only granddaughter
Former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and John Major, with their wives Cherie and Norma
William Hague and his wife Ffion,

Sarah, Duchess of York
Actress Joan Collins and her husband Percy
The Queen and Prince Philip
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah

Sir Mark Thatcher
Carol Thatcher and her nephew Michael
Sir Mark and his wife,

Falklands War veteran Simon Weston
Michael Portillo
London Mayor Boris Johnson
Amanda Thatcher addresses the congregation to give a reading at her grandmother's funeral in St Paul's Cathedral
The Thatcher family, from left to right, Sir Mark, his wife Sarah Russell, his children Michael and Amanda, Carol Thatcher and her boyfriend Marco Grass
Sarah, Duchess of York
Opera singer Katherine Jenkins
Prime Minister David and wife Samantha

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