My Child and I

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I got back to shape by eating only 'grass' for 3 weeks

Breakfast ready to be prepared
Recently, I noticed I'd blown up but I didn't realize how bad it was until my colleague who seemed to have found a new hobby with this big professional camera decided to catch me in action.
Table is set
When I saw the pictures, I was alarmed and saved it as 'Fat me'. The pictures made me realize how badly I needed to go on a strict diet and do everything possible to get rid of the extra weight. So, I started a strict vegetable salad diet.
Talking to my colleague with fat big tummy and fat arms

Truth is, it wasn't interesting at all at first. My new diet meant eating salad without any dressings or sweets. If felt like I was eating grass. I hated it the first 2 days and was so hungry that I had to eat something else but after about 3 days of trying, it became quite normal for me. I could eat the grass without complaining and VIOLA! I'm actually seeing the results.

Me, (at the middle) almost back to shape after 2 full weeks of feeding on only 'grass'
My colleague with the love for cameras took another picture of my colleagues and me just standing at the veranda in our office, just before our Monday meeting and I was so proud of myself when I saw it, I wanted to share.

In a nutshell, if you want to lose weight fast, eat only salad without dressing for about 2 weeks. It may feel like eating grass but you'll be sure to see wonders!


  1. You can add some proteins too. Without carbs, you'll still lose weight.

  2. Thanks Eya. I try that out. To be truthful, plain salad is very uninteresting.

  3. That's an inspiration there Yimi, you sure are lookinf great. Wish you also posted the 'fat me' photo to show how much you have really lost.

    But all the same, that's an inspiration there. Keep the good work on. Got to try it out for myself, need to lose a great deal too.

    1. Thanks Chioma. The 'fat me' picture is picture number 2. Look at my belly and my arms, they were really fat. My face too looked really fat, if not that I partially backed the camera.

  4. plaese i will like to know if you had this veges as your 3 square meal. please reply please!! i need help ASAP! i dont mind doing it after i wean my baby.

    1. Hi Ugo, My breakfast consisted of salads, lunch was partially-cooked vegetable soup with fish while dinner was just fruits. I snacked on apples in the afternoon when I felt hungry and occasionally, I had cat fish pepper soup.

      I also did some aerobics like 3 times a week and jogged for about 15 minutes, 3 times a week to keep fit.

      Please take it easy on yourself. It takes a while to burn pregnancy fat. Also note that I was a bit on the extreme. I was embarrassed and was desperate to get back in shape.

    2. Oh! Thanks, I can do this , i have neva been this fat before except now after having my 3rd baby, I was ok but after the 3rd month i started blowing up I can bearly recongnise myself now ( covers face) but this your routine , i'm putting it as a reminder on my Ipad right away. thank you again

  5. you look great. wish my tummy was as flat as yours. lol... will see if I can start something.

    1. Lol. No need to just wish. Of course, you can achieve anything you set your mind on. I didn't say it's easy but I can confidently say, you can do it.

  6. i love your determination. i think i hv to go on vegetables myself cos i hv a big tummy. i wil gv it a try.

    1. Thanks Roziette. It's worth trying. When you do, try to go through with it, it's quite challenging.

  7. Wow it's amazing how a lot of women have weight issues.God help me stay in shape as always!!!

  8. I do totally the opposite and it also works. I ride my bike everyday eating whatever I want and I feel great.
