My Child and I

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy: Images of flooding in Hoboken, NJ, including shots of dozens of taxis submerged in water

Taxis submerged in Flooding, Hoboken, New Jersey
 I've been following the hurricane Sandy closely and my heart goes out to everyone that has been affected by this natural disaster and devastation . I admire the proactive measures the US government took to evacuate people from New York, Hoboken and the other places that experienced this disaster.

My prayer is that God  grants them the strength to recover with as little loss as possible.

Meanwhile, people have taken to twitter to pray for the victims of the flood.

Photos courtesy of Jonathan Otto

Lots of prayers tonight to all of those affected by hurricane Sandy. Heartbreaking. Sending strength.

Let's pray we never have such disasters in Nigeria. We might not survive it!

What do you think?

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