My Child and I

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The life of a cute looking 12-yr-old boy who killed his 2 yr-old brother, masturbated openly in school & raped his cousin

I still find it difficult to believe that this cute innocent looking boy is capable of all those despicable things he's accused of.

His mom was just 12 years old when she had him. She was sexually abused by his 25 year old father who received 10 years probation for the crime.

When he was 2 years old, he was found wondering the streets naked at 4am close to the motel where his grand-mom who takes care of him was surrounded by cocaine and he was taken to a foster home along with his mom.

At 8, he was sexually molested by his cousin, he introduced sex with his class mates and openly masturbated in school.
Fernandez in court
At 11, that's 2010, he was living with his Mother's new husband who punched him in the eye so badly that he was hospitalized. When police got to their house to arrest his Step dad, he had already committed suicide by shooting himself.

The family moved to North Jacksonvile and Fernandez enrolled in middle school. He was a very  intelligent student, getting straight A's.

On June 3, 2011, Fernandez had killed his baby brother, David by smashing his head against a shelf.

When his mom came, (she was 25 at the time) the baby was unconscious and instead of his mother calling for help immediately, she spend 4 hours surfing the net looking for ways of reviving him. She's being charged with manslaughter and might spend as much as 30 years in prison
Fernandez 25-yr-old mom, Biannela Susana 
Today, at 13, Fernandez has been charged as an adult because he poses a significant risk of violence and has been detained and charged with 2 first-degree felonies. If he's convicted of the crime, he could face a life sentence.

The big question on the lips of everyone now is: Does he really understand his rights?

Some think he should be rehabilitated and given a second chance at life because of the terrible life experiences he's had while others think he should be charged as an adult and held accountable to the full extent of the law.

What do you think? Should Fernandez be pardoned, rehabilitated and given another chance or should be sentenced as an adult and face life in imprisonment?

Source: Mailonline


  1. He's a victim of his environment. He needs to be given another chance. Like you said, he's academically good but he's been exposed to too much violence too early in life.

  2. This boy has been so abused, it will only take God to change his life around. If he's pardoned, he'll grow up to be one angry wicked, heartless thing who will be without a conscience. I think he should be sentenced.

    1. What gives you the impression that he won't grow up instead to be an asset to the society? He's 12, his situation is not hopeless. He can be rescued.

  3. His own mother was raped at 12? smh

  4. See the fine boy wey them just destroy him life from beginning. Even his young mom is very pretty

  5. This is beyond physical, they should consider spiritual affliction

  6. Poor child. He should be given a second chance at life. He's had a horrid life even before he was born

  7. His eyes look empty, like a character from a horror film. This boy's life ended even before it began. He should be locked up forever

  8. This child has suffered abuse from the day he was born, the whole family has greatly suffered. What his needs with his mother is love and rehabilitation. His grand-mom was a drug addict, father a rapist or raped his mom, an abusive step dad. In some way, even his mother is still a child, that was why she panicked and started looking for ways to revive her child when he was injured. They need to help them out of this rot and not end their lives by throwing them behind bars.

  9. He is a cute innocent victim of the sin of adults he has been destroyed psychologically and he needs Gods intervention to reform him.Sending him to jail will only put him behind the bar not that it will change him rather they need to rehabilitate him there is nothing God cannot do he might end up being a great preacher one day

    1. Ha, my thoughts exactly! This boy is just a child who has found himself in a dare situation. He needs help

  10. I pity his mother so much. If only something was truly done about her situation when she was raped at 12. Poor family

  11. Eyaaa...he got straight As in school. If he'd grown up in a regular environment, he would have been a better person and maybe one day a great man. My heart goes out to this poor child, he should be rehabilitated.

  12. His mother had him at 12? Why wasn't he given up for adoption immediately? How was a child supposed to bring up a child? She needed help herself.

  13. This pikin own don finish. Bad society don squeeze life out of am. Only Baba God fit help am

  14. The devil has taken over this one's life

  15. This is the world we live in today.

  16. Poor child. He was never given a chance.

    1. Hew, see his sweet looking lips. I beg, this child should be treated like the child he is and afterwards, he needs to go through spiritual, psychological, medical and emotional rehabilitation. I'm sure he doesn't understand the grieviousness of his crime. He's never been exposed to anything better. He just might be able to get it right.

  17. I'm in tears for the future of the world.

  18. Are do you have to be so insulting? Can't we all just air our views in a civil manner without getting insulted by idiots like you? I only spoke my mind, what's wrong with that?

  19. Poor child! She should have called help first!!!
