My Child and I

Monday, July 16, 2012

What an embarrassing Experience Layla Flaherty had!

 This is just a horrible, horrible experience. It reminds me of the most embarrassing day of my life. 
I was just came out of the university, young, fresh faced and feeling on top of the world. 
I went out with these tight leather pants against my mother's advice and was showing off my very curvy butt. I remember I was sent on on errand by my elder sister and there was this guy who was feeling cool with his handset while he was trying to 'toast' me. I looked at him condescendingly and waved at a bike. 

Face Down

Just when I tried to climb on the bike, I heard a very loooong rip! It was nothing but my leather pants! 

Thank God I wasn't wearing a G-string because when we got back to my sister's office, I had to get off the bike and walk a few feet before I could get anything to hide my behind.

 I imagine the kind of terrible embarrassment I felt should be close to what former Desperate Scousewife Layla Flaherty felt when  she fell to the ground face first after watching the Essex Polo.

Just when I tried to climb on the bike, I heard a very loooong rip! It was nothing but my leather pants! 

Thank God I wasn't wearing a G-string because when we got back to my sister's office, I had to get off the bike and walk a few feet before I could get anything to hide my behind.

 I imagine the kind of terrible embarrassment I felt should be close to what former Desperate Scousewife Layla Flaherty (I didn't even know her until this unfortunate incidentfelt when  she fell to the ground face first after watching the Essex Polo.

Don't forget to leave your most embarrassing moment stories. 

1 comment:

  1. My most embarrassing gotta be on a special day when I ws talking with a chic and she cracked me up so hard I was laughing like a retard and suddenly a large booger flew outta my nose.....guess where it landed?
