My Child and I

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

For women, this is too scary to be true. Shivers still running down my spine.(Not for the faint @ heart)

A friend sent this story to me and it was so scary, I kept asking how true this could be. I'll like to get a doctor's opinion to know if it's even a possibility or not. Presumably, this could happen if one buys an infested underwear without washing before wearing them.

In short, after seeing the pictures and reading the story, I felt like things were crawling all over by body.
According to the story: 'After anthropologist Susan McKinley came back home from an expedition in South America, she noticed a very strange rash on her left breast. Nobody knew what it was and she quickly dismissed it believing that the rashes would leave in time. Upon her return she decided to see a doctor after she started developing intense pains. The doctor, not knowing the exact severity of the disease, gave her antibiotics and special creams. As time lapsed the pain did not subside and her left breast became more inflamed and started to bleed.

She decided to bandage her sores however as Susan's pain grew more intense she decided to seek help from a more certified doctor. Dr. Lynch could not diagnose the infection and told Susan to seek the aid of one of his colleagues who specialized in dermatology whom was sadly on vacation. She waited for two weeks and finally was able to reach the dermatologist.

Sadly,a life changing event was about to unfold during her appointment.
To Miss McKinley's surprise, after she removed the bandages, they found larva growing and squirming within the pores and sores of her breast. Sometimes these wicked creatures would all together simultaneously move around into different crevices.

What she didn't know was that the holes were in fact, deeper than she had originally thought for these larvae were feeding off the fat tissue, and even milk canals of her bosom!'
To see the pictures, click on HORRIBLE BREAST INFECTION to lead you to the link. Pls do not click if U have a faint heart.

Gosh, what kind of terrible experience/disease is this? Sorry if I ruined your evening with these terrible pictures, but I thought if it's true, we must let all the women in the world know. Underwear must be washed and if possible ironed before wear.

Do have a great evening and remember that I'll like to know what U think about this. Leave your thoughts in the comment box.


  1. no biggie i once found larvae on my breast too when i was younger tho it didn't dig as deep as this woman's still have the scar to this first it looked like a pimple then a blister and when i popped it a small crawling creature came out i was so freaked out and i was in my teens then

  2. Are U for real?! That must have been so damn scary! I was hoping those pictures weren't true but reading your comment shows it's actually posible.

    Thank God U got better.

  3. I was very scared at first and had trouble sleeping for several nights then somebody told me the truth
    Google it and you'll find out it is a widely spread internet hoax

  4. they said its a hoax and pictures were mainly of a woman who had cronic breast cancer! all i know is i need to watch something to take my mind off what i just saw cause i keep feeling this creepy crawly feeling on my body!! geez!!!! On a lighter note....the guy who said he was never sucking breast made me laugh out loud! "yeah right!make konji hold you first!lol!"

    Lets all practice good personal hygiene both guys and ladies! G'night people

  5. this is so scary

  6. it is indeed possible although the lotus seed like rash in the first picture is a hoax. the condition is called Furuncular myiasis of the breast caused by the larvae of the Tumbu fly (Cordylobia anthropophaga). the last picture is real and is indeed from a 2004 BMC Surgery journal article of a 70yrs old nigerian woman who had 14 larva removed from her breast. Cordylobia anthropophaga eggs can be deposited in soil or wet and dirty clothing that is hung out to dry on bushes or near infected bushes. good personal hygiene and ironing clothes before wearing can be effective preventative measures against infestation. While eggs can be present in soiled clothing, their presence in brand new, store bought clothing seems fairly unlikely. be consoled with the fact that the condition is actually quite rare

    1. @Adesuwa, tnx for enlightning us on this. I'm still grossed out though that there's even a possibility but thankful that it's not as bad as it was painted.

  7. It reminded me of when i was a teen, we saw one on my dad's shoulder. Initially he thot it was a mosquito bite, then a boil n asked my uncle to press it out, upon pressing it out we saw d head of a larvae but it went further inside so we had to apply mentilated spirit to force it out.


  8. It reminded me of when i was a teen, we saw one on my dad's shoulder. Initially he thot it was a mosquito bite, then a boil n asked my uncle to press it out, upon pressing it out we saw d head of a larvae but it went further inside so we had to apply mentilated spirit to force it out.


  9. @Fosh, are U for real?! That must have been scary. I still can't stand the sight of those pictures, they just totally creap me out.

  10. blood of jesus.!i still v goose pimples all ova me, diz pics is makn me throw up.
