My Child and I

Monday, June 25, 2012

Princess Kathrine (Future Queen) has to curtesy to Blood Princesses?

I saw this on Mail online and found it so interesting, I couldn't resist the temptation to share it on my blog.
I've never understood the fuss about Royals in England and this even further confuses me. Here:
Kate Curtsies
Newly updated ‘protocols’ approved by the Queen place Kate firmly down the royal pecking order, it was reported yesterday.

A document is said to have been circulated privately in the royal household, clarifying Kate’s status.
Although she is the future Queen, as a former commoner Kate must show reverence to the ‘blood princesses’. This means she is expected to curtsey to those born royal, such as Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie – both in public and in private. The rule only applies when her husband, Prince William, is not present.

In his absence, she must also curtsey to other blue-blooded women in the royal household, including Princess Anne and Princess Alexandra, the Queen’s cousin.
Blood princesses, Eugenie and Beatrice
She must always curtsey to the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, whether William is present or not.
The etiquette, though arcane to some, is taken very seriously by the royals, who bow and curtsey to each other in public and behind closed doors.


  1. These people and their ways. In their ways, she's still 'just a commoner' I wonder what will happen when she finally becomes Queen. Will she still be made to curtesy to 'blood princesses'?

  2. She's got grace and has carried herself perfectly. Even better than all those so called 'blood pricesses' she's make a fine queen then, we'll see who'll curtesy to who. It's just a matter of time.
